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Ōtaki Carbon Forests
Ngā Ngahere Waro o Ōtaki

Planting trees to help us reach our goal.

Ōtaki Carbon Forests is a group of local kaitiaki and landowners committed to planting permanent (mainly) native forest, helping Ōtaki become carbon neutral and biodiversity rich.

We plan to help establish a minimum of 32 hectares of new forest.

How? By supporting our members in forest planning, planting, maintenance and more.

Join us!


Here is our free practical guide to planting locally.


Energise Ōtaki runs on people power.

Ōtaki Carbon Forests welcomes volunteers for preparing and planting our future forests.  

Want to join us?

  • When is the next Great Bike Giveaway?
    In 2025 we hope to have a mid-year and end-of-year giveaway days. More details to come! Meanwhile, here are photos from our last Great Bike Giveaway and Repair Day.
  • When is your next repair session for volunteers?
    We welcome all volunteers - no bike or bike fixing experience necessary. 2025 Volunteer fix-it days are within 10am to 2pm, as suits you. When? Saturday, 12th April Saturday, 24th May Saturday, 28th June Saturday, 2nd August Saturday, 6th September Saturday, 18th October Interested? Please email Kirsty at, who can share location and other details.
  • Can anyone get a bike? Is it free?
    Yes! Koha is appreciated.
  • Do you want my bike? Where can I drop it off?
    Is your bike in pretty good condition? Needing no or only minor repairs? Then yes please. You can bring your bike/s to Energise Ōtaki's office between 10am-2pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. Or if that's not possible, email Kirsty to arrange a pick-up.
  • I'm not sure if my bike is in good enough condition. How do I find out?
    If you think your bike might need more than a minor repair, please send us a photo or a description of it. That will help determine if it is worth repairing salvaging for parts or sending to recycling.
  • Do I have to know how to repair bikes to volunteer?
    No! There's a job for everyone.
Ngā mihi to Ōtaki Carbon Forests' funders and sponsors.
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